Oetz Trophy 2022 Regeln

Rules of the Oetz Kayak Cross 2024

This blog post is to clarify the rules of the Oetz Kayak Cross 2024 for the smooth running of the competition and avoid any misinterpretations.


Every athlete must be an expert paddler that feels comfortable competing on the slalom course section of the Ötzaler Ache (WW III- IV). Before the race athletes will need to be present at the briefing.

Throughout the competition it is forbidden to put-in on the upper section of the slalom course or to continue paddling after the Wellerbrücken-Strecke!


Each paddler must wear a whitewater helmet (EN 1385) and a whitewater PFD with safety harness (ISO 12402-5), this will be controlled by the race officer.

Due to the low water temperature and the cold local weather in autumn, throughout the competition athletes must wear sufficient cold-water gear: either long neoprene trousers/long john wetsuit/dry pants and a dry cag, or a dry suit.


  • Series-production PE whitewater kayaks
  • maximum length of 275 cm (9 feet)
  • airbags in the back of the kayak
  • minimum weight of 18kg (complete of airbags)
  • large cockpit that the paddler can escape from easily
  • high volume ends that encourage the boat to resurface quickly
  • fitted with a full plate footrest or similar (Yakima type touring footrests are not permitted; solid foam foot plates are allowed)
  • minimum of two attachment points in the front (in front of the paddler) and a minimum of two attachment points at the rear (behind the paddler), or alternatively one attachment point in the front and three attachment points in the back, that are strong enough to rescue a pinned kayak (at least 500 kg)
  • no constructional changes that could impact the safety standards. Handles, full plate footrests and pillars must not be removed!
  • no constructional damage, in particularly cracks in the shell of the boat  
  • Home made outfitting in composite materials are not allowed for safety reason, unless installed or available for sale and approved by the kayak manufacturer.

The race director and assistants will check all equipment before the competition and mark them with a safety check sticker.

Disqualification criteria

In addition to what is stated in the terms of participation, the race management reserve the right to disqualify participants from the competition at any time for, but not limited to the following reasons:

  • Participants who do not attend the safety briefing
  • Participants who are obviously unable to safely paddle the race section
  • Participants with equipment that does not comply with the rules (kayak, PFD, helmet, clothing)
  • Participants who navigate a closed section of the race
  • Participants who do not visibly display the completed safety check sticker affixed by the race director on the equipment used

Participants who are disqualified by the race management will not be refunded the registration fee.

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